About Us
The Park Maitland Foundation’s Board of Directors is made up of parents and family members of students who attend The Park Maitland School. The Foundation is thrilled to partner with the Administration in a commitment to support a broad scope of projects, events, and activities that enhance the school. Areas for funding may include continuing to support many well-loved traditions. Additionally, we will also be looking to create new traditions, social opportunities, professional development, and unique offerings that bring an added value to the Park Maitland School experience. All contributions are tax-deductible. Larger thresholds of giving will be recognized throughout the year at flagship events. Your support is instrumental to our success.
Foundation Board
Autumn Ames – President. Autumn and her husband Andy are the parents of Alaina (6th grade) and Adeline. Autumn has a passion for the arts and supporting local nonprofit organizations.
Hannah Wickham – Vice President. Hannah and her husband Luke are the parents of Sagers (Park Maitland Alum) and Reicher (5th Grade). Hannah’s favorite hobby is golf.
Rebecca Kaufmann – Treasurer. Bio coming soon
Rebecca Weiss. Bio coming soon
What We Do
Artistic and Athletic Enhancements:
- New sound and lighting for the gym
- Costumes, set pieces, etc. for Park Maitland theatrical productions
Campus Facility Improvements:
- New fountain at the main campus entrance
- Mural, painted by teacher Maggie Flavhan, at the Preschool
Teacher Appreciation and Curriculum Enhancement:
- Team building events for the teachers and staff during the holidays and start of the school year, as well as a start of year gift for faculty and staff
- Photography equipment and computers that launched a media design class for the middle school
- VR equipment for summer camps
- Funds for teachers/staff to attend conferences to enhance their knowledge in their field
Every dollar donated to the Foundation will always go directly back to the Park Maitland experience and will continue to impact as many students as possible!
“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do.”
Volunteerism is one of the most integral components of a successful relationship between a family and their school of choice.
The Park Maitland Foundation Board of Directors welcome any suggestions and/or comments. If you have comments or suggestions or would like to see where you can volunteer, please feel free to send an email to [email protected]. All correspondence will be confidential. We truly believe that together we can make a difference in the lives of our children and the overall educational experience of the students at Park Maitland School.